I consistently find great, plain English, articles in the Consumer Reports “Money Adviser” newsletter. I only wish they would put some of their content online so I could share it here!
The best I can recommend is a print subscription. It’s $29/year through Consumer Reports or Amazon.
For example, in the November issue, there’s a great piece about talking to your parents about their estate plan and health care wishes. These are important conversations at any age, but those whose parents are entering their sixties and older really do need to be ready for the tough decisions.
If you’re worried that discussing finances might be awkward or intrusive, Money Adviser has this piece of good advice:
“One way to begin is by speaking about your own situation,’ suggests Steve Hartnett, associate director of education at the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys. ‘You can say that you and your spouse recently talked about what would happen to your family if something happened to you, and ask your parents if they’ve thought about that too.”